Friday, February 26, 2010

Inducing Labor at Home - Five Useful Methods

By Julie Ingham

If you are reading this article right now, then you are probably fed up with how you feel like now!

You feel like you are a hippo that has been tumbling around for a very long time. You do not have any energy and you feel miserable. Comfortable is not even up for grabs. Inducing labor sounds like something that a doctor would have to do, but have you ever heard of inducing labor at home? There are some things that you can do on your own that will bring that labor closer.

First, we need to tell you not to try castor oil. There are some mothers out there that swear on everything they have that it works. But it really isn't the best way to bring labor on. It may help start contractions, but there are the chances that you could vomit and have diarrhea. These two things could make you dehydrated and that is definitely not what you need. There are far better natural methods available to you.

Check with your doctor before you try these:

Start with walking, because it is easy to do. A gentle walk in the park will do. Do not go doing a marathon.

Try some spicy foods. This may work. We know what you are thinking, you are thinking that it is going to give you heartburn and maybe you are right. However, some say that spicy foods help induce labor.

Make love to your partner. Even if you are not in the mood, when you have sex, a hormone known as oxytocin Is released by your partner. This can cause the uterus to contract.

Nipple stimulation is another method that has been recommended. This involves having the entire area of the nipple stimulated and massaged. Try mimicking the sucking motion of the baby. Be warned with this one ' this method can cause very strong contractions.

Another popular method of inducing labor at home is acupressure. If you are using acupressure, make sure you follow the instructions carefully and know which pressure points you will need to apply the pressure.

Research has been conducted and is showing that over eighty percent of pregnant women who use acupressure to induce labor experience a normal labor with less complications than other women that do not use the techniques. Did you know that it can also shorten the amount of time one is in labor?

Want to learn how to use acupressure? It's easy and anyone can learn it. Check out these easy to learn acupressure techniques:

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