Thursday, February 18, 2010

Acupressure to Induce Labor - What is Acupressure?

By Julie Ingham

Acupressure is a healing method that has been used for a very long time. In fact, it was thought of in Asia more than six thousand years ago. It has to do with the flow of that natural energy going through the body. It works to take care of an individuals symptoms by releasing the blocked energy. Many individuals use it in order to relieve the symptoms they are experiencing. There are many cases where women use acupressure to induce labor.

Acupressure is a bit like acupuncture. Except with acupressure, one will be using the thumbs and fingers to stimulate certain points on the body. This technique was actually used before needles were ever used. It can be applied by hands, but some choose to use the elbow and a number of different hand held devices.

It not only helps to induce labor, but it also helps increase the blood circulation, reduces tension and stress and aids in the removal of toxic wastes. Individuals also use it in order to increase their energy levels and relieve aches and pains.

If one uses it in order to induce labor, that would be known as labor acupressure or maternity acupressure. These techniques are used in order to naturally induce labor. No medications will be used with this process. Labor acupressure will be using specific pressure points on the body. Therefore, this can safely be used at home, as long as one follows the basic instructions. It is a very simple technique that is very safe to use. Unlike with medications, you will be taken chances of harming the baby.

Research has been conducted and is showing that over eighty percent of pregnant women who use acupressure to induce labor experience a normal labor with less complications than other women that do not use the techniques. Did you know that it can also shorten the amount of time one is in labor?

Want to learn how to use acupressure? It's easy and anyone can learn it. Check out these easy to learn acupressure techniques:

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